Interesting October
Every month has it's own special and interesting days. Let's take a look at some of the most interesting days of October!

1st: First CD player made by Sony, Philips and Polygram went on sale in 1982.
2nd: Indian political and spiritual leader Ghandi was born on this day in 1869.
3rd: East and West Germany re-united into one country in 1990.
4th: Annual World space week begins on the 4th and ends on the 10th October.
5th: Jarrow march happened in 1936. A group of 200 unemployed people walked around 480 km to protest against poverty and unemployment.
6th: The first person to translate the Bible into English – William Tyndale – was burnt at the stake* (hranice).
9th: It’s World Post day.
11th: In 1982, King Henry VIII's favourite battleship, the Mary Rose, was raised from sea after 471 years of being sunk.
12th: In 1999, the world’s population reached 6 billion people.
14th: Battle of Hastings happened in 1066. It was one of the bloodiest battles that happened on British land.
15th: First hot air balloon flight with people on board happened in 1738. The people were Jean Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent, Marquis d'Arlandes.
16th: Annual World day of food is celebrated.
17th: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty happens every year.
19th: The oldest cave painting was discovered in 2000.
21st: The Battle of Trafalgar happened in 1805.
23rd: The first battle of the English Civil War between the Parliamentarians and the Royalists happened in 1642.
26th: Sir Winston Churchill won the election to become the Prime Minister of Great Britain for the second time in 1951.
27th: British explorer James Cook was born on this day in 1728.
31st: Halloween!
That spooky time of the year is right behind the corner. Time full of costumes, games, candies and scary things. We might not celebrate Halloween in the Czech Republic, but wouldn’t it be nice if we learned something about this holiday? I recommend paying attention to everyone graduating this year, because Halloween is one of the topics on finals!
How do people celebrate Halloween?
These days lots of young people all over the world dress up in different kinds of costumes on the 31st day of October. Vampires, werewolves, witches and lots of other creatures attend parties and events with scary theme. Of course that every country has its own versions of celebrating Halloween and some of them don’t celebrate it at all. We may know that young kids in some places walk around their town and collect sweets from people while saying „trick or treat“. The tradition of trick or treating came to the US in 20th century thanks to Irish and Scottish communities which revived „guising“. In guising a person has to dress into some costume and perform a trick (poem, joke, song, etc.) in exchange for a treat. Later on candies became the most popular treat for Halloween. Here is a list of few interesting Halloween traditions:
1) Carving Jack – O‘- Lanterns: Pepole carve different faces into pumpkins. In the past people used to do this in order to scare evil spirits away.
2) Trick - or – Treating: People dress in various costumes and walk from house to house to collect some sweets. If the owner of the house refuses to treat the kids, they do a trick on the house or the owner's car, such as throwing eggs or toilet paper on it.
3) Bobbing for apples: A game, where you have to get apples out of water using your mouth only.
4) Black and orange: These are the most used colors when it comes to Halloween. It comes from a Celtic festival Samhain (ancient festival, pronounced as Sow-in) with black meaning the death of summer while orange represents autumn.

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